Bleeding During Pregnancy

Spotting or vaginal bleeding during pregnancy could have numerous causes. A few are serious and others typically are not. Bleeding can happen earlier or later in pregnancy.

A lot of women experience vaginal spotting or bleeding within the first twelve weeks of pregnancy. Bleeding of the cervix might occur during intercourse. An infection of the cervix could also result in bleeding. Minor bleeding usually quits on its own.

Nevertheless, bleeding while being pregnant can indicate something much more serious. You could have a increased possibility of starting labor too soon (preterm labor), delivering a baby that is born too small or experiencing a miscarriage.

Should you experience bleeding during early pregnancy, your doctor may perform a pelvic exam. You’ll be asked what amount blood you’ve passed and how frequently the bleeding has appeared. Your medical provider will also inquire about any pain you have had, and the location and intensity of the pain. A blood test might be completed to assess human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This element is produced by your body in the course of pregnancy. You could have multiple tests due to the fact that hCG levels rise throughout pregnancy. Your blood type will also be looked into to determine if treatment for Rh sensitization is needed. Ultrasound could be utilized to discover the reason for the bleeding. In some cases what causes it is never found.

Miscarriage can happen at any time during the first half of pregnancy. In most cases it happens during the first thirteen weeks. It occurs in approximately 15-20% of pregnancies.

The following signs and symptoms may suggest a miscarriage:

  • Cramping pain felt in the lower abdomen (usually stronger than menstrual cramps)
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Tissue passing from the vagina

A lot of women who experience vaginal bleeding have little if any cramping. In some cases the bleeding ends and pregnancy continues. Other times the cramping and bleeding can get stronger, resulting in miscarriage. During the later part of pregnancy, vaginal bleeding might be a sign of labor. A small quantity of mucus and blood is passed from the cervix right before or at the beginning of labor. This is known as “bloody show.” It is not uncommon and it is not a concern if it happens within three weeks of your due date. Should it happen earlier, you could be entering preterm labor.

Additional signs of preterm labor can include:

  • Change in type of discharge (bloody, watery, or mucus)
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Pressure in the pelvis or lower abdomen
  • Increased amount of discharge
  • Stomach cramps, with or without diarrhea
  • Low, dull backache
  • Regular contractions or uterine tightening

Should you have any of these indicators, speak to your doctor as soon as possible.

